Today: February 14, 2025
October 19, 2024

Practising THESE 4 Yoga Asanas Can Help In Relief From Nausea, Know When And How To Perform

Usually, the help of medicine and home remedies is taken to solve nausea. At the same time, practicing some easy yoga asanas helps in keeping the body balanced. Do these yoga asanas to get rid of nausea.

Often on festivals, due to overeating, food allergy or eating contaminated or unhealthy food, one has to face nausea. Due to this, the problem of vomiting, stomach ache, and morning sickness persists. Usually, to solve this problem, the help of medicines and home remedies is taken. At the same time, practicing some easy yoga asanas helps in keeping the body balanced. Let us know which yoga asanas help in controlling the problem of nausea.

1. Viparitakarani Asana

This is the yoga asana, done to keep the body relaxed and balanced, and the help of the wall is taken. This increases blood circulation in the body, and the problem of nausea starts getting resolved. By doing this yoga asana, blood circulation in the brain starts to increase. Also, the entire weight of the body rests on the shoulders.

  • To do this, lie down on the ground on your back.
  • Now straighten both legs from the knees and keep them together.
  • Now place your hands on both sides of your waist and take your legs upwards. If you want, you can do this yoga asana with the help of a wall.
  • Kneel on the ground and keep hands on it. Breathe in.
  • Maintain the same position for 30 seconds without losing control over your breathing.
  • Now bring down the legs and let the body be loose. Do this yogasana twice a day.

2. Bound Angle Pose

In order to develop physical strength, do Baddhakonasana. In this yogasana, abdominal muscles start stretching. It stretches the energy level in the body and increases the metabolism.

  • Sit straight on the mat keeping your waist absolutely straight, and both legs in front.
  • Bend both legs from the knees bring them inwards and join both feet together.
  • Now hold the feet with the palms.
  • Keep your waist straight and take a deep breath.
  • Also maintain control over the breath.
  • During this, move the legs from top to bottom.
  • Body remains active and healthy by the practice of this yoga asana within the capacity of the body.

Also read: Do You Feel Nauseous In The Morning? Beware Of These Health-Related Problems

3. Bridge Pose

This yoga asana lying on the back, flexibility in the body increases. By which this problem of hormonal imbalance may reduce. This keeps blood flowing through the body. Helps in stimulation of pituitary gland.

  • Lie on the ground on your back.
  • Now bend both the legs from the knees and keep a normal distance.
  • Now, lift the body upwards from the waist and keep both the arms at the ground.
  • Keep the shoulders on the ground.
  • After keeping this posture for 30 seconds, relax the body.

4. Shalabhasana

By practicing this yogasana, the power of the back starts to augment. Further, blood flow in the body remains normal. By doing this yogasana on the stomach, the power of the stomach muscles begins to augment and the body remains healthy.

How to do this yogasana?

  • Lie down on your stomach and lift up your legs from the back.
  • Keep your legs entirely straight.
  • Then try to lift the neck and upper portion of the body.
  • Bring back both the arms and keep the arms straight.
  • Face forward and take deep breaths inward and outward.
  • Try to retain control over your breath.
  • Perform this yogasana according to the capacity of your body.
  • This strengthens the digestive system and keeps the body away from constipation and indigestion.

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