Papaya leaf juice, the healing power! Drinking it three times a week can turn out to be a good effort in combating major diseases like dengue, cancer, and diabetes. Read and know the right amount of dosage and its benefits that will keep you healthy.
Papaya is a long-time known digestive aid; however, not many of you know that this fruit contains lots of nutrients stored in its leaves. Thanks to some fabulous health benefits that this brings, recently this has become very popular to drink in the form of papaya leaf water or juice. Drinking papaya leaf juice can give major health benefits, such as digestive health and a healthy liver.
1. Increases Digestive Health
The juice of this papaya leaf is of great use for someone experiencing problems with his digestive system, like constipation or bloating, or IBS. It cleans the digestive system, reduces inflammation, and promotes healthy bacteria in the intestines to grow.
2. Dengue
Papaya leaf water is considered to be an effective weapon against dengue fever. It helps increase the number of platelets that deplete drastically in dengue patients. Regular intake of papaya leaf juice is noticed to enhance the platelet count; thus, it is a safe and herbal medicine for dengue treatment.
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3. Powerful Antioxidant
The leaves of this papaya fruit are further rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin E, and many flavonoids that protect a body from oxidative stress, preventing cell damage and offering a decrease in the risk of serious diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
4. Anti-inflammation Effects
Alkaloids and flavonoids in the leaves of papaya reduce the inflammations of the body. Respite to the one who is suffering from joint pain, muscle aches, or so on.
5. Preservation Of Liver Health
Acetogenins found in papaya leaves preserve the liver and purify it by increasing its working capacity. It makes possible the cleansing of the liver properly and facilitates smooth functioning.
Professionals recommend a cup of papaya leaf juice thrice a week according to the individual’s condition. Therefore, consult your doctor before taking it so that you may take the correct dose.