Deepika Padukone and her husband Ranveer Singh, who got married in the year 2018 are pregnant and expecting their first child this year. They later announced in February this year that they are pregnant with their first born who is due in September.
The announcement post by Deepika and Ranveer had only these words, ‘September 2024’ accompanied by baby pink and blue items. According to the information received, the actress’s due date is September 28 and she is likely to give birth to the baby at a hospital in South Mumbai. Earlier, there were rumors that the baby will be born in London, but it appears that it will not be so and it will be born very much in Mumbai.
The report also contains information on the absence of Deepika on maternity leave till the next year. She is expected to relieve her duties on 17th March 2025 and return to work at the company. The instant poll before was born on ‘Koffee With Karan’ where the actress was to select between babies and movies. The boss girl that she is, Deepika had thrown it up one day with ‘Babies along with movies’. Thus, it is expected that she will beautifully complement her motherhood journey to her career. Stars are laying down some major-thought-provoking for many with the way, they are managing work life balance after motherhood whether , it’s Priyanka Chopra, Kareena Kapoor Khan , Alia Bhatt and more. Therefore, fans are sure, Deepika will also be back to work soon while establishing herself as the most loving mom.
The last film she acted in was ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ with Amitabh Bachchan and Prabhas and the next is ‘Singham Again’ which could hit the theaters this Diwali. On the other hand, Ranveer who is on paternity leave will also appear in ‘Singham Again’ and further start working for ‘Don 3’.