Tata Digital’s chief executive officer, Naveen Tahilyani, has announced a significant reorganization of the company’s leadership structure. In an internal email to employees, Tahilyani introduced his new A team, emphasizing a streamlined and more business-focused approach. The reorganization reduces the number of leaders directly reporting to the CEO from 35 under the former CEO, Pratik Lal, to 20 under Tahilyani. This strategic move aims to enhance efficiency, accountability, and collaboration within Tata Digital and its subsidiaries.
Tahilyani’s email, which details the changes effective from May 20, 2024, outlines a vision for the new leadership structure. He emphasized the need for a framework that offers leaders meaningful opportunities for impact, fosters accountability and empowerment, and promotes simplicity and clarity. Most importantly, Tahilyani highlighted the importance of collaboration within Tata Digital and with other Tata group companies.
One of the key objectives of this reorganization is to shift executives from purely functional roles to more business-centric roles. For instance, Anand Ramadurai, previously head of the loyalty program, has been appointed chief business officer for Flights. Similarly, Aseem Sachdeva, while continuing his role in business finance for commerce, will now also serve as the chief business officer for Electronics. Gaurav Motani, formerly part of the product team, has been promoted to chief product officer, reflecting the broader roles assigned to leaders within the new structure.
Tahilyani’s email also underscored the importance of enhancing the company’s loyalty program and leveraging financial services to boost customer retention. He stressed the need to fine-tune the loyalty program, utilize data for personalized offers, improve communication of the company’s value propositions, enhance customer experience, and smartly use financial services to increase customer stickiness.
“We will have to be razor-sharp about our priorities and execute our strategic initiatives with rigour and discipline,” Tahilyani wrote, emphasizing the need for a focused and disciplined approach to achieving the company’s goals. He also highlighted the necessity of creating new value propositions and improving customer experience as part of this strategic initiative.
In the coming days, Tahilyani plans to work closely with each of the leaders to finalize their respective team structures. He intends to provide more details during the upcoming Neuhuddle meeting at the end of the month, where he will discuss the way forward and seek feedback from the team.
The reorganization is part of a broader strategic vision that will continue to evolve. Tahilyani expressed his awe at the potential impact Tata Digital can have, given its vast customer base, strong corporate brand, and talented team. “The more I understand the nature of the opportunity ahead of us, the more I am awestruck by the size of the potential impact we can have. With a vast set of loyal customers across the group, the best corporate brand in the country, a terrific platform which offers great products and services, a galaxy of market-beating brands and group companies, and a wonderfully talented team, what we can achieve is virtually limitless,” he said.
Tahilyani’s leadership reshuffle reflects a clear strategic direction aimed at making Tata Digital more agile, customer-focused, and capable of leveraging its extensive resources to achieve significant growth and customer engagement. As the company moves forward, this new structure is expected to drive innovation, efficiency, and a stronger alignment with Tata Digital’s long-term business objectives.