In a disturbing series of events, ten schools in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, received bomb threats on Wednesday, following similar threats to schools in Delhi-NCR and Jaipur in recent weeks. The threats were communicated via email, which was traced back to a Russian server, raising concerns about cyber security and public safety.
The Kanpur police have swiftly responded to the threats. According to Additional Police Commissioner Harish Chandra, all cyber cells are actively investigating the source and veracity of the emails. In an official statement on ‘X’, he assured the public that teams have been dispatched to the threatened schools to ensure safety, restore public confidence, and review CCTV footage for any suspicious activity. Chandra emphasized that the police are also exploring potential connections between the threats in Kanpur and those received in Delhi, Lucknow, and other locations, urging the public to remain calm and vigilant.
This incident in Kanpur follows a wave of bomb threats that have targeted public places and institutions across India. Just a day prior, seven hospitals and Tihar Jail in Delhi received similar threats via email. These emails, sent from the Europe-based mailing service ‘’, contained alarming messages about explosive devices planted in the buildings, purportedly by a group called ‘Court’. The emails warned that the bombs would detonate within an hour unless disarmed, claiming the lives of innocent people would be at risk.
The rash of bomb threats has not been limited to Kanpur and Delhi. Two days before the threats to Delhi hospitals, twenty hospitals, the airport, and the office of the Northern Railways’ CPRO in the national capital received identical menacing emails. Despite the high-alert situation and extensive security checks, officials have yet to find any suspicious objects in the affected locations.
The police are treating these threats with utmost seriousness, given their potential to cause widespread panic and disruption. The involvement of a foreign server in the Kanpur threats complicates the investigation, suggesting a possible international dimension to the threats. This has prompted the cyber cells to intensify their efforts in tracking down the perpetrators and understanding their motives.
As the investigation continues, authorities are emphasizing the importance of not succumbing to panic. Enhanced security measures are being implemented across all potentially vulnerable public spaces, including educational institutions, hospitals, and transportation hubs. The police have advised citizens to report any suspicious activities or objects and to remain alert but composed.
This sequence of events highlights the critical need for robust cyber security frameworks and international cooperation in addressing threats that transcend borders. The usage of a European mailing service to send threats to Indian institutions underscores the global nature of cybercrime and the importance of global vigilance and coordination in countering such threats.
While the immediate priority remains ensuring the safety of the public and neutralizing any potential danger, these incidents also call for a reassessment of current security protocols. Schools, hospitals, and other public institutions may need to adopt more stringent security measures, including regular drills, advanced surveillance systems, and better communication channels for threat alerts.
In conclusion, the bomb threats to Kanpur schools represent the latest in a series of alarming security incidents across India. With the police and cyber cells actively investigating the threats, there is a concerted effort to safeguard public spaces and reassure the community. As investigations proceed, maintaining public calm and enhancing security measures will be crucial in effectively managing and mitigating such threats in the future.