A disturbing incident occurred on the Delhi-Meerut Expressway at the Kashi Toll Plaza in the Paratapur region, where an unidentified car driver ran over a toll staff member. A video of the episode has gone viral, capturing the moments leading up to and following the shocking act.
The footage shows the driver engaging in a heated argument with a female toll supervisor. Without warning, the driver accelerated, causing the woman to fall onto the car’s bonnet before being run over as the vehicle sped away. The driver fled the scene immediately after the incident.
Emergency services were quickly called, and the injured toll worker was transported to the hospital with severe injuries. Authorities have since filed a police complaint and are diligently reviewing CCTV footage from the toll plaza to identify the perpetrator responsible for the hit-and-run.
Anil Sharma, the manager of Kashi Toll Plaza, expressed his concern over the incident in a statement to ANI. He said, “A car coming from Delhi misbehaved with our staff. Upon asking for the toll, the car drove over the staff member, injuring her severely. This is a serious incident, and the administration should take proper action to ensure such incidents do not happen again.”
The police have launched a full-scale investigation, scrutinizing the CCTV footage from the toll booth to track down the driver. Meanwhile, the injured toll worker continues to receive medical treatment, and efforts to apprehend the culprit are ongoing.
This incident follows another tragic event in April at a toll plaza near the Musunuru toll plaza in Kavali, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. In that case, a speeding car collided with a lorry, resulting in the deaths of at least three individuals and critically injuring two others. The victims were returning from Chennai when the accident occurred.
These events highlight the urgent need for stringent measures and enhanced security at toll plazas to prevent such dangerous and reckless behavior. The safety of toll workers and commuters must be prioritized to avoid further tragedies on our roads.