The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has unearthed a major bribery scandal at Ram Manohar Lohia (RML) Hospital in New Delhi, leading to the arrest of nine individuals, including professors and staff members from the cardiology department. The law enforcement agency, in a statement on Wednesday, revealed that the accused had been involved in accepting bribes from patients and medical equipment suppliers.
The FIR filed by the CBI implicates several doctors and employees of RML Hospital, alleging their complicity in the bribery scheme. Alongside two professors and assistant professors from the cardiology department, those arrested include a senior technical in-charge, a nurse, and two hospital clerks. Additionally, representatives from five private medical equipment supplier companies have also been accused in the case.
The CBI’s investigation extended to 15 locations as searches were conducted to gather evidence. The accused individuals have been charged with “criminal conspiracy” and violations of the Prevention of Corruption Act.
According to the allegations, the doctors and hospital staff accepted bribes directly or indirectly through representatives of medical equipment companies. These bribes were exchanged for various favors, such as promoting specific equipment or facilitating its use within the hospital.
Moreover, the clerks and nurses allegedly sought undue advantages from patients in exchange for facilitating appointments and admissions. In one instance outlined in the FIR, a doctor demanded a bribe of Rs 1.95 lakh from a supplier named Abrar Ahmed, which was transferred to his father’s account. Subsequently, the accused doctor contacted the supplier again, urging the expedited payment of all pending bribe amounts, as he was planning a personal trip to Europe.
This scandal at RML Hospital highlights a disturbing trend of corruption within the healthcare system, where individuals entrusted with the care of patients engage in illicit activities for personal gain. Such practices not only undermine the integrity of medical institutions but also jeopardize the well-being of patients who rely on these facilities for their treatment.
The CBI’s swift action in uncovering this bribery racket underscores the importance of vigilance and accountability within the healthcare sector. It sends a strong message that corrupt practices will not be tolerated and perpetrators will be brought to justice.
As investigations continue, it is crucial for authorities to implement stringent measures to prevent similar incidents in the future and to restore public trust in the healthcare system. Transparency, ethical conduct, and stringent oversight are essential to ensure that hospitals remain places of healing and integrity, free from the taint of corruption.