The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in West Bengal has taken a significant step in aiding victims of the alleged school jobs scam by launching a dedicated legal support website and helpline number. This move comes in response to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s directive to establish a legal cell to assist genuine candidates affected by the scam.
According to BJP spokesperson Samik Bhattacharya, the legal support website is ‘’, and the helpline number is 9150056618. “As per the instructions of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, West Bengal BJP is duty-bound to stand beside the eligible candidates who were affected due to the TMC’s illegal recruitment of some people,” Bhattacharya stated.
The party aims to provide assistance to those impacted by the State Level Selection Test-2016 (SLST) recruitment process, which was declared “null and void” by the Calcutta High Court on April 22. This decision led to the cancellation of all appointments made through the process, affecting approximately 26,000 individuals.
Prime Minister Modi, during his recent election rallies in the state, directed the state BJP to address grievances arising from the scam and assured support to genuine candidates. Following his directive, the BJP swiftly established the legal support mechanism to cater to the needs of affected individuals.
Despite the setback caused by the Calcutta High Court’s order, the Supreme Court intervened by staying the order invalidating the appointments of 25,753 teachers and non-teaching staff made by the state’s School Service Commission (SSC) in government-sponsored and aided schools. The Supreme Court allowed the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to continue its investigation into the matter, even permitting scrutiny of members of the state cabinet. However, the court instructed the agency not to take precipitate actions such as arrests without due process.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, while accusing the BJP of orchestrating the conspiracy to snatch away the school jobs, appreciated the Supreme Court’s intervention in staying the Calcutta High Court’s order.
The BJP’s initiative to launch a legal support portal and helpline number underscores its commitment to assisting genuine candidates affected by the school jobs scam. By providing a platform for affected individuals to seek legal assistance, the party aims to address grievances and ensure justice for those impacted by the irregularities in the recruitment process.