The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has made a significant move in the investigation of the Chhattisgarh liquor scam by seizing assets worth over Rs 205 crore. Among the assets attached are those of retired Chhattisgarh IAS officer Anil Tuteja, the elder brother of the Raipur Mayor, and several others allegedly involved in money laundering.
According to the ED, the attached properties include 14 assets belonging to Tuteja worth Rs 15.82 crore, 115 properties of Anwar Dhebar (brother of Raipur Mayor and Congress leader Aijaz Dhebar) valued at Rs 116.16 crore, properties of Vikash Agarwal alias Subbu worth Rs 1.54 crore, and properties of Arvind Singh worth Rs 12.99 crore.
Additionally, a property worth Rs 1.35 crore belonging to Arunpati Tripathi, an Indian Telecom Service (ITS) officer and special secretary of the excise department, nine properties of Trilok Singh Dhillon valued at Rs 28.13 crore, jewellery worth Rs 27.96 crore owned by Naveen Kedia, and movable properties worth Rs 1.2 crore belonging to Asheesh Saurabh Kedia/Dishita Ventures Pvt. Ltd. have also been attached.
The ED stated that Anwar Dhebar’s properties include Hotel Vennington Court in Raipur, which is operated under his firm, A Dhebar Buildcon, and a commercial building known as “Accord Business Tower.”
The total value of the attached assets in this operation is reported to be Rs 205.49 crore.
Tuteja was recently arrested in connection with this case by the ED, which alleged that the commissions generated through the illegal sale of liquor were distributed “as per the directions from the highest political executives of the state.”