Swiss Military, the renowned global lifestyle brand, has announced plans to invest Rs 56.5 crore in setting up its first fully owned manufacturing unit in India. The unit, dedicated to the production of luggage and travel gear, will be established in Faridabad, Haryana, marking a significant step towards the brand’s expansion in the Indian market.
According to Swiss Military Consumer Goods Ltd, the proposed manufacturing plant will cover an area of 1.21 acres with a built-up space of approximately 85,000 square feet. With a targeted production capacity of 10 lakh pieces per year, the unit is set to be completed within 8 months, aiming for completion by December 31, 2024, with an initial investment of Rs 56.50 crore.
Managing Director of Swiss Military Consumer Goods Ltd, Anuj Sawhney, emphasized the strategic importance of the manufacturing unit, stating, “Our own manufacturing capabilities will help establish Swiss Military’s commitment to modernization within the travel gear sector in the Indian market and to shorten go-to-market timelines with new products.”
He further added, “It will also significantly bolster our position in the competitive global travel gear market. We trust that this new facility will be a cornerstone in our journey towards sustained growth and leadership in the industry.”
With domestic and international travel gradually resuming post-pandemic, Swiss Military has experienced robust growth in the luggage and travel gear segment. Sawhney highlighted the importance of this venture in the context of Swiss Military’s vision for expansion, both in India and abroad, aligning with the ‘Make in India’ initiative.
Swiss Military, boasting a 30-year legacy, is known for its premium and innovative products available across 26 countries, spanning over 3,000 products across various verticals. This investment reflects the brand’s commitment to providing high-quality products while contributing to the Indian manufacturing sector and the global travel gear market.
The move also signifies Swiss Military’s confidence in India’s potential as a manufacturing hub and its commitment to local production. By establishing its manufacturing unit in Haryana, the brand aims to not only cater to the growing demand in the Indian market but also enhance its global competitiveness.
In conclusion, Swiss Military’s investment in a manufacturing unit in Haryana marks a significant milestone in its journey, reflecting its dedication to innovation, expansion, and contributing to the ‘Make in India’ initiative. With this move, the brand is poised to further strengthen its foothold in the global travel gear market while providing customers with top-notch products manufactured locally.