Amidst the backdrop of party chief Arvind Kejriwal’s arrest, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) orchestrated a series of events across Delhi on Thursday, rallying support for the INDIA bloc candidates in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls and launching a signature campaign. The campaign aims to protest against Kejriwal’s detention by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on March 21, linked to a money laundering case related to Delhi’s former excise policy.
In Lajpat Nagar, two whiteboards were erected for the public to express their support and messages for the incarcerated Delhi Chief Minister, who is held in Tihar Jail until May 7. AAP’s Jangpura MLA, Praveen Kumar, declared that the signature campaign would span various parts of the city, intending to demonstrate to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) the overwhelming support Kejriwal enjoys among Delhiites.
With slogans like ‘Jail ka jawab vote se denge’ (We will respond to jail with our votes) and ‘Arvind Kejriwal zindabad’ (Long live Arvind Kejriwal), the AAP workers voiced their solidarity at the events. East Delhi Lok Sabha candidate Kuldeep Kumar emphasized the people’s anger towards Kejriwal’s arrest, asserting that their votes would be a response against dictatorship and unjust incarceration.
Part of the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA), AAP, along with Congress, is contesting the Lok Sabha elections in Delhi. While Congress is fielding candidates for three seats, AAP is contesting the remaining four.
Under the banner of ‘Jail ka jawab vote se’ (Answer jail with votes), AAP organized a Sankalp Sabha in Mehrauli, within the South Delhi Lok Sabha constituency. The event, led by senior AAP leader and Cabinet Minister Kailash Gahlot, emphasized the need for unity against what they perceive as a trend of opposition suppression across the country.
Addressing a public meeting in the New Delhi constituency for party candidate Somnath Bharti, AAP Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh urged people to acknowledge the work done by the Kejriwal government over the past nine years. He highlighted Delhi’s unique facilities like free electricity, water, education, and healthcare, which are unmatched in other states.
At another Sankalp Sabha in Madanpur Khadar, senior AAP leader and Delhi Cabinet Minister Atishi rallied support for Kuldeep Kumar, the INDIA bloc candidate from the East Delhi Lok Sabha seat. Atishi stressed the significance of the upcoming election, urging voters to make informed decisions based on the progress witnessed under Kejriwal’s leadership.
Atishi criticized the BJP, accusing it of failing to deliver on its promises while hailing Kejriwal’s governance achievements, including the establishment of Mohalla Clinics, quality education, and free pilgrimage tours for the elderly. She claimed that despite BJP’s attempts to thwart AAP’s efforts, Kejriwal’s dedication to improving Delhiites’ lives remained steadfast.
In conclusion, Atishi reiterated the determination of AAP to continue its mission, despite attempts to suppress them, asserting that Kejriwal’s incarceration only strengthened the resolve of the party and its supporters to strive for positive change in Delhi.