In Kiran Rao’s latest cinematic endeavor, ‘Laapataa Ladies,’ Pratibha Ranta shines bright, carving her niche with a captivating portrayal of the determined Jaya. Hailing from Shimla, Ranta’s journey parallels her character’s, as she fearlessly challenges stereotypes and shapes narratives with her inspiring performance.
In an exclusive interview with Hindustan Times, Pratibha delves into the intricacies of her character, shedding light on the transformative journey into Jaya’s world and the empowering experience of collaborating with director Kiran Rao.
Pratibha’s seamless embodiment of Jaya stems from her rich background in television, with shows like ‘Qurbaan Hua’ and ‘Aadha Ishq’ honing her craft. The depth of the script allowed Pratibha to visualize Jaya effortlessly, drawing parallels between the character’s journey and her own life experiences, thereby infusing authenticity into her portrayal.
While identifying with Jaya’s mindset, Pratibha dedicated herself to the physical transformation required for the role, collaborating with a dialect coach to perfect the Madhya Pradesh accent. Despite juggling commitments, Pratibha immersed herself fully in the character, ensuring authenticity in every aspect of her performance.
Under Kiran Rao’s direction, Pratibha found a nurturing environment where her opinions were valued, allowing her to focus solely on her craft. The director’s keen understanding of female characters and her crisp approach to storytelling provided a unique and enriching experience for the actor.
Reflecting on her big-screen debut, Pratibha acknowledges the overwhelming positivity surrounding the film’s release. Despite the anticipation, the actor found solace in the heartening response from audiences, particularly young girls who relate to Jaya’s strength in challenging societal norms.
Pratibha Ranta’s portrayal in ‘Laapataa Ladies’ not only showcases her talent but also serves as a beacon of empowerment for women everywhere, breaking barriers and shaping narratives with every captivating performance.